oh, finally it's end of wk 1. bloody shitty tired, nvr ever had a good slp since wed -- character design. had to do 20 silhouettes and i stayed awake from 1.30am, all the way to the next morning just to complete it, see how slow i am. i hate myself to b like this, i d k if i could handle this module or not, this can't be going on for the following 15 wks, i would probably pass out b4 getting that far. and this lack of slp was brought forward to the next day, which is level & world design. i quite like my faci, lawrence but he was just teaching us for 1 lesson .(p'o'q). was v tired and can't do my rj, went to slp and woke up again at 1 to finish it, till friday. i was so so so not feeling well. class starts at 9am, wanted to bathe at 7 but the bathroom was occupied. fell asleep while waiting and the next thing i know it's ady 845. omg, nvr had this happened b4, shocked, had a quick shower. luckily i was not marked late although i arrived class 1 or 2 mins later. faci hasn't start class yet. phew (." ) the same cycle went thru again last night while i was trying to do my rj. so not liking this, and i am pretty determined to end this vicous cycle today >[`-`]<
my 20 silhouettes of a science fiction male hero rebellion leader |
felt really bad when i eat a lot at midnight, and uncomfortable too
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