woke up at 4.30am then went back to slp at 6, woke up 30mins later to sweep the floor, have a bath & get ready for school.
during break, planned to eat at lawn food court, but the stall i like is not opened, bought salad instead & asked my roommate to buy food 4 me. back to class continue working on my Powerpoint. shit me stupidly clicked don't save when microsoft prompted me. i lost the hard work & nid to redo. OMG, i'm cursing myself while frantically hurry on it & my stomach grumbling. just then my roommate reply me that she just came back from lunch and she din bought food for me. so, munching on my greens. noisily, hmph...
rushed back hostel after class ended, hoping to have a short nice rest b4 comics ig started. my room keys can't fit into the keyhole. it's always like this so i've never locked our door 4 long long time, it's always my roommate who does it. how am i supposed to enter my room, tried and tried and tried, and finally succeed. the next problem, the key was stuck inside, can't be pulled out even though i borrowed the help of my leg to add resistance to the door. i gave up at the 10th attempt. 1 of my flatmates came back and tried and......failed, just as i did.
ohh, dead beat after such a long day. went to my bed and lied down, that was a quarter past 9, and i told myself i would get up half an hour later to do my RJ. but, but, i fell asleep straight through, till 11.40pm. the things is, submission line closed at 11.59pm. my LAPTOP!!! faster faster, luckily it only went into sleep mode, all the LEO website were ady there, typed in whatever and SUBMIT!!! whoah ~ SAFE
lesson learnt* never ever lie down b4 completing everything esp without anybody else in the house, rmb to set alarm if u really want to rest.